Collecting Donations from your Members

Learn more about how Join It supports Donations

Mitch Colleran avatar
Written by Mitch Colleran
Updated over a week ago

Depending on the needs of your organization, there are a handful of ways that Join It can support collecting donations. 

If you have a complex donor program and a need for a separate donor tracking system, then Join It has an excellent integration with Kindful

However, if you have a relatively simple requirements for collecting your donations, then Join It has features to support your needs.

Membership Types can be set to have 'Donation' price

One of the popular features for collecting donations on Join It is to allow the buyer to set their own price (and you can set a minimum). This can be done under the 'Advanced Settings' when creating the Membership Type.

Donors can be set to a 'Prospective' or 'Pending' status

Another popular feature is that you can adjust your settings to assign donors to have a 'Prospective' status. This keeps donors as a separate status from your 'Active' members.

Donation records can be automatically merged with Members

If your donors are being set to a 'Prospective' status (see immediately above), then the Join It system will automatically match and merge on email addresses when there is a respective 'Active' member. In this case, the member record will show the payment for the membership and the donation. 

If you have specific needs that aren't met by the suggestions above, then we'd love to hear from you.  

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